Sunday, December 7, 2014

CMC Day 7: Christmas with Travelin' Light

Today’s CMC recommendation may seem a little eccentric to the uninitiated.  I mean, who wakes up in the morning and thinks, “I really want to hear a banjo and a tuba play jazzy Christmas songs today”? 

For fans of Travelin’ Light, however, this is an entirely reasonable thought.  The beyond-quirky duo of tubist Sam Pilafian and Frank Vignola on tenor banjo and guitar -- with a little percussion and an occasional clarinet assist – provide toe-tapping, bumptious and (for the most part) utterly charming jazz renditions of 16 Christmas classics. 

It’s different, it’s fun, they’re really good, and I guarantee you will find at least a few songs to love on this terrific recording. The instrumentation may be sparse, but the imagination is not.

The unorthodox combo works best on the upbeat tunes; I’m not fond of most of the slower selections on this disc.  But on holiday favorites like Sleighride and Jingle Bells, they excel and delight.  Happy listening!